3 Using the Application

This section is a brief "user manual" for the oh323tut application.

3.1 Command-line Options

oh323tut has the following command-line options:

-f foo --file foo
Read audio data from WAV file foo. The file must have the following format: PCM, mono, sampling rate 8000 Hz, sample size 16 bits. This is a mandatory command-line parameter.
-g addr --gatekeeper addr
Set gatekeeper's address to addr.
-G id --gatekeeper-id id
Set gatekeeper's identifier to id.
-h --help
Print help message and exit.
-n --no-gatekeeper
Do not register with gatekeeper.
-o file --output file
Write trace output to file.
-p portnum --port portnum
Listen for incoming call connections at TCP port portnum. The default value is 1820, to allow for simple coexistence with ohphone or another software H.323 telephone on the same computer.
-t --trace
Enable trace. Can be used multiple times to increase the detail of trace output.
-u userid --user userid
Set user alias to userid. The default value is the login name of the current user. Starting with version 1.0-2 of oh323tut, the option can be used more than once to set several aliases.

If neither -g nor -G are given, the default is to try to discover a gatekeeper with any gatekeeper ID. Use the option -n to override this behaviour.

3.2 Examples

3.2.1 A single computer, no gatekeeper

To try oh323tut with ohphone or simph323 on a single computer, without using a gatekeeper, you need to invoke oh323tut with the following command:

./oh323tut -f audio.wav -n -u 320

When started with these options, oh323tut will listen for incoming connections at TCP port 1820. The file audio.wav must be in the required format. The user alias will be set to 320.

To call oh323tut from simph323, use the following command (in another shell window):

./simph323 -n -u 321 320@

3.2.2 Registering oh323tut with a gatekeeper

Suppose you have a gatekeeper running at IP address Start oh323tut as:

./oh323tut -f audio.wav -u 320 -g

To use ohphone as the calling endpoint, start it as follows:

./ohphone -l -g -u 321

Once you have ohphone running, you can start a call using the command c 320 .


Next: 4 The Class OH323Tut